Holy Baptism We baptize infants, children and adults. If you are interested in Baptism, contact Pastor Cole or the office.
First Communion We offer yearly First Communion classes during Lent with First Communion being celebrated on Maundy Thursday. While not a requirement to receive Communion at Our Savior's, First Communion classes are an important faith milestone for children to learn more about what communion really means. 3rd grade and above is usually the age for taking the First Communion classes but people of all ages are welcome to attend.
Confirmation Confirmation is when a young person affirms the promises made during their Baptism. Confirmation classes are taken while youth are in Middle School is a time to learn about the Christian faith, ask questions and get to know other Middle Schoolers. The Confirmation program culminates with a public affirmation of faith during Sunday worship on Confirmation Sunday. After Confirmation, youth are considered to be full adult voting members of the congregation.
Weddings You are welcome to have your wedding here at Our Savior's or offsite with Pastor Cole officiating. If you are planning to get married and are interested in having your wedding at Our Savior's or if you are interested in having Pastor Cole officiate your marriage, reach out to the church office. Pastor Cole is a trained Prepare/Enrich facilitator and happily offers premarital or marital counseling.
Funerals If you are looking to schedule a funeral for a loved one, contact the church office. If you are interested in making funeral arrangements before your death, Pastor Cole is happy to meet with you to talk about readings, music or things you want to have at your funeral. Early funeral planning is a great gift to families who then no longer have to worry about arranging a service amidst their own grief.