Holy Communion is celebrated every Sunday, and all are welcome at our Lord's table.
Coffee & Donuts are available after worship every Sunday in the courtyard.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Should i dress?
On any given Sunday you will see people in Rainbows, dress shoes, Hawaiian shirts, suits or t-shirts. There is nothing you could wear that would make you stick out or feel unwelcome. Come as you are!
What is the music like?
We strive to provide a meaningful worship experience that combines a variety of different styles and types of music. We will have a mixture of traditional hymns, modern praise music and even some global music. In addition to this, we often have "special music" provided by our Preschoolers, soloists or choir.
What about my kids?
Kids are always welcome in worship. Crying, screaming or other fun is inevitable and we understand, no need to worry about it. Children are more than welcome in the Sanctuary (we even have a "Prayer Ground" in the back where kids can be kids in our worship space) or in the provided childcare room.
Can I take communion?
Yes. We are simply stewards of God's table and at God's table there is always a place for you. We invite you to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion with whatever faith, double, belief or questions you have. If, for whatever reason, you would desire a blessing instead of communion that is available as well.
How will I know what to do?
As you enter the church, you will receive a bulletin that has the order of the service and everything you will need. Pastor Cole will give instructions during the service when it is time to sit, stand or greet your neighbor during the passing of the peace. In addition to the bulletin, the screen in the sanctuary has everything you will need - words to songs, liturgical responses, etc.