MANNA Bible Study Tuesdays at 1 pm in Pastor's Office. Join Pastor Cole for a weekly Bible study that looks at the texts that will be read and preached on for the upcoming Sunday.
Women's Bible Study Meets monthly on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month at 9:30 am in the Founder's Room. We have women from our church as well as Christ Lutheran church that join for this study. Currently, the group is on a summer break but will resume on September 17th with Beth Moore's "The Patriarchs" study.
Men's Breakfast/Bible Study Meets on the 2nd Saturday on the month at 8 am in the kitchen/Founder's Room. Bring a Bible and your appetite! After enjoying breakfast and conversation together, Pastor Cole leads the group in Bible study. Recently, the group has been studying the minor prophets. Call the office to get put on the email list so you can get reminders and see what's for breakfast each month. The group will not meet during the months of July and August.
Older Wiser Lutherans (OWLs) Walking Group Every week our OWLs get together at 8 am on Tuesdays. The group has been meeting at Bonnie Little's house. Call the church office for the address and to let us know you are planning to walk with our OWLs.
The above are our regularly meeting groups. In addition we have other groups and happenings that occur seasonally. The Weekly Messenger and Newsletter will have all the current seasonal happenings as well.